Happy New Year!
Happy New Year! I thought this would be the perfect time to introduce myself. My name is Shannon and I started my graphic design and invitation business 13 years ago. I have one employee, Arielle, a graphic artist and watercolor genius who I brought on full-time two years ago. I’m not sure how I managed without her! Here are some fun facts about me:
-Halloween is my absolute favorite holiday
-I have two crazy boys, Porter, 8, and Sawyer, 4
-I went skydiving when I turned 30 (that was a long time ago, and I don’t feel the need to go again)
-I’m obsessed with Dateline (and sometimes I watch half-way through and realize I’ve seen it before but I still keep watching)
-I love to travel and have been to Italy, Spain, Netherlands, Germany, England, Scotland, Canada, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic and many more. Alaska is on my bucket list. Travel has slowed down quite a bit now that I have kiddos.
-I don’t exercise but I know I should
-Watching my sister get married was one of my proudest moments last year (see pic)
Cheers to 2018!

Photo credit: Angela King Photography